Another Mass Shooting: This Time, Maine

Yesterday, (October 25, 2023) there was another mass shooting by someone with an AR-15 “style” rifle. When I heard about it Thursday morning, I heard “Sixteen killed, many wounded.”
When I heard the news at 6:00pm, the news guy said, “Eighteen killed, many wounded.”
Here, it gets weird, terrible and disgusting – all at once: I said to myself, “‘Eighteen?’ when I heard the news this morning, there were only sixteen!”
Think about what I said, “Only 16”??? What the heck is wrong with this country?
We don’t have to worry about Hamas, al Qaeda or any other terrorist group, because what we do to ourselves – each day – we make them seem like pikers.
Some statistics of this horror:

EVERY DAY, 327 people are shot in the United States. Among those:
117 people are shot and killed

210 survive gunshot injuries

90 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive

46 are murdered

67 die from gun suicide

10 survive an attempted gun suicide

1 is killed unintentionally

90 are shot unintentionally and survive

2 are killed by legal intervention*

4 are shot by legal intervention and survive

1 died but the intent was unknown

12 are shot and survive but the intent was unknown

That works out to ~42,700 people killed by guns in the US each year. ~76,650 are shot but survive each year.
More die from suicide by gun than are murdered.
The guy who killed all those people in Maine had just been in a mental institution but because Maine doesn’t have “Red Flag” laws, when he was released – after threatening to kill members of the National Guard he was part of – nothing was done about his gun(s).
Pennsylvania doesn’t have a Red Flag law, either. It’s been passed by the Democratically controlled House but the Republican controlled State Senate refuses to even consider the bill.

Are we, as a nation, as a state, NUTS????

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